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I have built process maps using OCPM. When event timestamps are equal for more than one activity, the events are sequenced based on alphabetical order of event names in process explorer. This is misleading and does not make sense as it is supposed to be in the sequence of sort order.Is there a way to configure sorting order based on sort column when events timestamp are equal?
How can you configure the sorting of activities in OCPM?
Out of the blue, every single Excel module in Action Flows has stopped working. Has anyone gone through something similar recently? Has any announcement on this topic been done by Celonis?The screenshot of the error is meant to help better understand the issue as it seems to be a simple ‘access’ problem, but every account that’s been used within those modules has the same issue and all of then started at the same time, so it feels something structural is going on…Either way, if anyone has some insight on this it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Hi everyone I need to add 3 kpi’s together (new views) each with their own filters. Here is an example of one. How can I add these KPIs together without having to build these filters into my PQL. If you save the KPI it does not save the filters with it. Can I maybe let it write to a variable with the filters? Or is the only way building the filters into the PQL with Case when or PU function?
I am trying to retrieve a count of a specific column based on a **CASE WHEN** condition using PQL. However, I am encountering the following error: *"A PQL error is preventing this query from executing. No common table could be found. The tables ["LINK"] and ["JS_PGT_Resolved"] are connected, but have no common table. This means that they do not have a direct (or indirect) 1:N or N:1 relationship. Join path: [LINK]N <-- 1![SUPPORTCASE]!1 --> N[JS_PGT_Resolved]. For more information on the join path, search for 'Join functionality' in PQL documentation."* I would appreciate any guidance on how to resolve this issue. Thank you!
Hi,I was wondering the following: I want to export my entire data pool (extraction, transformations and data models) using the pyCelonis API. I have been trying to code it myself but there doesn't seem to be a straight forward way to do it. I was wondering if any of you have been using this method and can help me find the right code to use. The use case is to back up our work once per day. A very nice to have would be an additional script to use the exported data pools to automatically recreate the back-upped work. In other words: Run script > back up written to files > run script > recreate celonis environment in case of total loss of data
Dear Experts, If there is decision to be made in terms of best practices on connectivity to S3 , could you comment on option 1 : connecting S3 bucket directly which contains source tables option 2 : transforming data from S3 using databricks converting into activity and case tables and placing it to seperate bucket and then data shared with celonis ? Thanks, Shaif
Hey all looking for some insights whether this will work or not if I want a previous years data e.g ( I have 2023-2025 data in CDHDR but I also want 2022 ) can I change the UDATE filter from ( 2023 to NOW ) to ( 2022 to NOW) and disable the change date check and do a DELTA load to only extract fresh records that are not present in celonis ( even if it’s from the previous year of already ingested data )
I want to create an Aging/Market custom objects so my graph can be change based on dropdown I will select. let say If you select Aging then aging should be applied on the chart. How to implement in new views?
Hello,Is there an effective method to restrict exports to specific users or groups of users in Old Views?
Dear Experts , I have a doubt here, on what logic does the objects appear on scroll bar in Process explorer like shown in snapshots attached. Are they dependent on number of objects i defined or events or relationships ?
Dear i am puzzled that the calculated throughput time in Celonis is different from the source (excel) data. For example order O4892 has a throughput time of 12 minutes (according to the raw data in Excel). However the output in Celonis is 1M (1 month?). . Could you please assist by advising on this difference.Below you can see a screenshot of the data set and output in Celonis.Many thanks!
I have successfully set up an Action Flow to output my Celonis Query in an Outlook 365 email. I use The Celonis Query Data module → CSV module (create CSV) → Tools module to compose a String for the CSV file to be inserted as a file attachment in Outlook → MS 365 Email Outlook module to Create and Send an email. (see image below).This all works great and we filter to output specific customer data. Today, we manually fill in the customer email contact info.However, we would like to use the Customer Contact data from the Query (name/email_address) to automatically populate the MS 365 Email Recipient. I have observed that the Tools module is limiting what data flows into the Outlook module and within the Outlook module I do not have access to all of the individual Data values from the Celonis Query.When I remove the Tools module, all of the Celonis Query Data module data is readily available for use in the Microsoft 365 Email Outlook module. (but I don’t have the CSV file formatted the w
Can anyone has this mapping information?I would like to see the list that shows the mapping of Celonis activities (eg: AP process) to SAP tables.Like while calculating the clear invoice steps which tables, timestamps are used in SAP. Similarly for other activities. This will be a good reference document to begin with and help to customize the activities in Celonis if we need to do so.Appreciate your inputs here.
As part of the MS Outlook email recipient ‘To list’, the number of email recipients varies by customer and can vary from 1 contact to up to 9 contacts. For those familiar with the term ‘Rolodex’, (customers/contact_names/email_address), I want to automatically sequence through the ‘Rolodex table’ and send one email to each identified customer (based on a flag that is set) and TO: each respective contact for that customer (1 to 9 contacts_email_addresses). What is the best way to address the ‘dynamic list’ of email contacts per customer that need to get set up in the MS Outlook module?I have seen the example in the community of using the Group function in the CSV module, but that example was specific to 1 role (1 recipient in the MS Outlook 365) vs a varied list of contact_email_addresses, depending on the customer.