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Hello, I am trying to create an ActionFlow for updating augmented attributes but its keeps giving me errors. The operation failed with an error. 400: Failed to update augmented attribute. Failed to query engine to map identifier from one value to separated columns. Unknown query engine failure I created an augmented attrobute in legacy views with a unique identifier. Now in the ActionFlow I do all my selections with the correct identifier: And I get the correct result in the input: But it doesnt update the augmented attribute due to the error: As you can see the identifier is the same. What am I doing wrong here?
Hi, in the legacy view there was possible to change background color of textbox, buttons etc. but I cannot find a way how to do it within the new views. I tried to do it through the YAML but it’s not working. So if someone has an idea it would be awesome!
I have built process maps using OCPM. When event timestamps are equal for more than one activity, the events are sequenced based on alphabetical order of event names in process explorer. This is misleading and does not make sense as it is supposed to be in the sequence of sort order.Is there a way to configure sorting order based on sort column when events timestamp are equal?
I recently attempted the Celonis assessment but have exceeded the allowed attempts, resulting in a six-month block. I understand the policy, but I am eager to improve my skills and demonstrate my understanding of Celonis. I have been actively studying through the Celonis Academy and other resources. If there is any possibility of reconsideration for an additional attempt or reducing the blocking period, I would be extremely grateful. Please let me know if there is a way to review my case.
Hello guys,I am currently taking the pathway “Automation” in the Rising Stars Program and in the Module “Process Automation Basics” / Automate with Action Flows (https://academy.celonis.com/learn/course/automate-with-action-flows-i/automate-with-action-flows-i/course-outline?client=academic-alliance-celonis&page=2) I have a problem with setting up the GMail Trigger. I set up the API and the OAuth-Client just as presented in the tutorials. the only change was that, because we dont have the affected persons Email I used my regularly GMail. As I am setting up the Trigger I have to sign in in Google and just like the tutorials i use (the same) Gmail Account. As I want to proceed following error message pops up: I hope somebody can help me, because I have absolutely no idea left what I could try to fix it.Thanks in advance for helping me out!Best wishes,David
How can you configure the sorting of activities in OCPM?
Out of the blue, every single Excel module in Action Flows has stopped working. Has anyone gone through something similar recently? Has any announcement on this topic been done by Celonis?The screenshot of the error is meant to help better understand the issue as it seems to be a simple ‘access’ problem, but every account that’s been used within those modules has the same issue and all of then started at the same time, so it feels something structural is going on…Either way, if anyone has some insight on this it would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Hi all,In my View analysis I added the filters into the ‘Show Filter Bar’ that resided on the right side of the view. However, once the same view is opened in overlay, the ‘Show Filter Bar’ is not visible - hence I have no access to the filters. Is there a way to include a Filter Bar into a view opened in overlay? Thanks and kind regards,Mateusz
Hi everyone I need to add 3 kpi’s together (new views) each with their own filters. Here is an example of one. How can I add these KPIs together without having to build these filters into my PQL. If you save the KPI it does not save the filters with it. Can I maybe let it write to a variable with the filters? Or is the only way building the filters into the PQL with Case when or PU function?
https://academy.celonis.com/learn/course/celonis-rising-stars-program-business-assessment/main/celonis-rising-stars-program-business-assessment?client=academic-alliance-celonis&page=4 My assesment attemps is closed. Please solve this
I am trying to retrieve a count of a specific column based on a **CASE WHEN** condition using PQL. However, I am encountering the following error: *"A PQL error is preventing this query from executing. No common table could be found. The tables ["LINK"] and ["JS_PGT_Resolved"] are connected, but have no common table. This means that they do not have a direct (or indirect) 1:N or N:1 relationship. Join path: [LINK]N <-- 1![SUPPORTCASE]!1 --> N[JS_PGT_Resolved]. For more information on the join path, search for 'Join functionality' in PQL documentation."* I would appreciate any guidance on how to resolve this issue. Thank you!
Hi,I was wondering the following: I want to export my entire data pool (extraction, transformations and data models) using the pyCelonis API. I have been trying to code it myself but there doesn't seem to be a straight forward way to do it. I was wondering if any of you have been using this method and can help me find the right code to use. The use case is to back up our work once per day. A very nice to have would be an additional script to use the exported data pools to automatically recreate the back-upped work. In other words: Run script > back up written to files > run script > recreate celonis environment in case of total loss of data
Dear Experts, If there is decision to be made in terms of best practices on connectivity to S3 , could you comment on option 1 : connecting S3 bucket directly which contains source tables option 2 : transforming data from S3 using databricks converting into activity and case tables and placing it to seperate bucket and then data shared with celonis ? Thanks, Shaif
Dear all, I have in one view two OLAP tables(with complex calculations and predefined conditions) for which I want to create independent dropdown filters. The reason for that is that one should be filtered based on date type “received entries” and the other one based on date type “processed entries”. I was wondering if you maybe came across such an issue or if you have maybe some tips & tricks or solution for me? In advance thanks for your help. Best, Bunyod
As evident from the above image, there are further sub categories in the metrics column. Can we create an OLAP table in similar fashion?
Hey all looking for some insights whether this will work or not if I want a previous years data e.g ( I have 2023-2025 data in CDHDR but I also want 2022 ) can I change the UDATE filter from ( 2023 to NOW ) to ( 2022 to NOW) and disable the change date check and do a DELTA load to only extract fresh records that are not present in celonis ( even if it’s from the previous year of already ingested data )
I want to create an Aging/Market custom objects so my graph can be change based on dropdown I will select. let say If you select Aging then aging should be applied on the chart. How to implement in new views?