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ServiceNow Extractor: Configuration Option for the "Order-by" parameter (2024-04-08)


The User Order-by Parameter in Request configuration option enables the use of the ordering parameter in all API requests for an extraction. Enabling this option ensures data integrity by preventing missing records and duplicates. However, it will also lead to a longer extraction time and an increased load on the source system. To help minimize this impact, we recommend that you apply partitioning to reduce both the peak impact and the duration of the system being occupied or increase the batch size, which increases the peak impact but decreases the duration of the system being occupied.


Order-by parameter option selected in the Service Now Extractor screen 

This option is disabled by default but can be enabled at the table level based on specific needs. This option can also be enabled via the extraction settings, which also enables it for all tables in the underlying extraction job.

For the full extractor documentation, see ServiceNow Connection.

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