Improvements in the perspective builder (2024-05-28)
We're upgrading the perspective builder to make it easier for analysts to build custom perspectives for processes. You'll see these changes in your user interface soon, on the Perspectives page in the Objects and Events UI.
- You can now click an object type in the perspective or the object list to select it. You’ll get an object details panel where you can view and edit the other object types that are related to it in the perspective. There’s also an Exclude button to exclude the object type. (Previously, when you clicked an object, you’d get the option to exclude it from the perspective.)
- When you select an object, we’ll put the focus on it by highlighting it and centering the graph on it, and collapsing multiple relationship lines between pairs of objects into a single line. By default, we'll also only show the objects adjacent to your selected object. You can change that setting in the display options.
- We've simplified the flow and reduced the number of clicks to add an object or choose a strategy for a relationship.
- You can now include and embed the same relationship, and we've made it clearer which is which.
- We’ve put in some new display options that make it easier to show only the things that are relevant to you.
For the perspective builder documentation, see Creating custom perspectives and event logs.