Extract data from columns with localized values with SAP Ariba Extractor (2024-05-27)
If you’re using SAP Ariba’s Master Data Retrieval API to extract data from master data tables, our extractor now gets data from columns with localized values (for example, Name_en, Description_en), which it couldn’t do before. We’ve added these columns to the column configuration in your existing extractions, so you don’t need to change them. You do need to update the metadata, either by running a full load of the data model, or by running a delta load with the option “Include metadata changes”. Scheduled delta loads that don’t have that option selected will fail until you’ve done that.
The tables where you’ll get the additional columns are: Accounts, Account_types, Bankaccountidtype, Bankaccounttype, Bankidtype, Chargetype, Commoditycodes, Commonsuppliers, Costcenters, Countries, Currency, Generalledgers, Glindicator, Groups, Incoterms, Itemcategory, Languages, Localeids, Partitionedcommoditycodes, Paymentmethodtype, Paymentterms, Procurementunits, Taxcodes, Uoms, Users. For the extractor documentation, see SAP Ariba.