Changes in the process of creating Action Flows (2024-05-16)
We've added some new settings to the Action Flow creation flow. Now, when creating an Action Flow, in addition to providing the name and the description for your Action Flow, you also have to select the Automation type, and (optionally) define the number of consecutive errors, after which the Action Flow gets deactivated.
There are two automation types to select from: automatic and manual. If the automation type is set to manual, the Action Flow has to be started manually and its scheduling will be set to On-demand. This scheduling type is necessary to start the Action Flow using an Action button or a Task.
If the automation type is set to automatic, the Action Flow will be executed according to a set schedule. and it will be set to According to scheduling. Please note that adding a Trigger or a Webhook as the first module will automatically change the scheduling to Immediately.
Apart from selecting the automation type, you can also define the number of consecutive errors after which the Action Flow is deactivated. Both settings can be changed after the Action Flow has been created.