Bulk copy Studio packages and data pools between your EMS teams - Limited Availability (2023-10-12)
With our new team-to-team copy feature you can pick packages and data pools to copy from one EMS team to another. The feature can check for any missing dependencies on other items that you didn't select for copying, and add them automatically. When you've set up a batch copy, you can rerun it whenever you want - we keep a log of both successful and failed runs and track progress while the copy is running. For data pools, the team-to-team copy feature doesn’t copy over your extracted and transformed data, just the configuration for the data pool - so you can use it to transfer a sandbox setup to a production team.
You can read more at Copying multiple assets between EMS teams. Note that packages with Action Flows can’t be copied. The team-to-team copy feature is in Limited Availability status. If you want to try it out, ask your Celonis EMS contact.