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Essentially what the question title says, we have a "Button Dropdown" Component that allows the user to switch between which combination of Dimension and KPI he wants to see.


The KPIs are quite different (# of Days, Invoice Amount in Euros, % of Rework) and therefore require different Formatting and Units.

Formatting example:


Formatting ExampleThis is supposed to provide a Decimal Number of Days, but here is what we're getting:

Format and Unit Outcome 

I have attempted to simply input the formats in a Variable and call that Variable in the KPI Setup, but the resulting Formatting is not making sense! The units work okay, but it's ignoring the space character ("X Days" VS "X Days")


Could you please provide some pointers?


Thank you in advance!


Best Regards,


Vasco Carona

Can you not filter it into an variable and then use the variable in the barplot to set a formatting?


I did also a button dropdown and set every input to a variable called <%= ButtonDrilldown4%> as an manual input.


After I used the <%= ButtonDrilldown4%> to format it.
