In the given data tables below -
I used the statement - 'PU_SUM ( DOMAIN_TABLE ( “Chapters”.” Title”, “Book_Author_Mapping”.” Book ID” ), “Chapters”.” Number of Pages” )'
Here I have a couple of questions in understanding the functionality:-
- If the Domain Table is formed based on the specified column/tables - To which Specified Table will the Damon Table be linked to? - as both the tables 'Chapters and Book_Author_Mapping' have an N:1 relationship with other tables?
- Will the Domain table link to the 'specified tables - Chapters; Book_Author_Mapping' based on the Table we mention in the SourceTable?Column field of PU_X Functions -i.e. “Chapters”.” Number of Pages” in this case ?'
Thanks in Advance.
Kind regards