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Smart ETL now available for schedules (2024-01-17)


The Smart Schedules feature extends our smart ETL functionality to a whole Schedule. We'll calculate an optimal execution order before the run starts, across all the Data Jobs and their extractions, transformations, and Data Models included in the Schedule. Then we'll run multiple Data Jobs in parallel, and start transformations while unrelated tables are still loading.


We’ll automatically enable Smart Scheduling for all of your Schedules as soon as it rolls out in your Celonis platform instance. If you want to switch it off again, click the context menu (three dots) for the Schedule, select Execution Settings, and use the slider Enable optimized execution of Schedules. For the full instructions, see Schedules.

do we need to activate this somehow? I don't see the option "Execution Settings" in our team:



Hey Marco,

you have a look at the "Activate smart schedules" section in the Schedules documentation and letting know know it this helps?




Hi Mateusz, as you can see in my screenshot above I don't see the option "Execution Settings" as mentioned in the schedules documentation



Got it, Marco.


Can you try looking for this option in the Data Jobs menu (and not from the Schedules menu)?

image (38)Once you're there, go to "'Enable optimized execution of data jobs".

We're reworking the docs in this area to make sure this is clear.



Got it, Marco.


Can you try looking for this option in the Data Jobs menu (and not from the Schedules menu)?

image (38)Once you're there, go to "'Enable optimized execution of data jobs".

We're reworking the docs in this area to make sure this is clear.



Ah okay. That we already have activated. Thought there was a different feature that needs to be activated in the scheduling section.


Thanks for clarifying!
