You can now save SQL transformations that you've started creating for object types, event types, and their relationships, but haven't finished yet. Previously, a transformation had to pass SQL query validation before you could save it. Now, you can choose to save and validate your transformation like before, or you can choose to just save your unfinished transformation without validating the query. If you save and validate but the query doesn't pass validation, you can choose to save the transformation anyway, and go back later to fix the errors. We automatically disable transformations that haven't been validated and transformations that have failed validation, so they won't run.
To help you identify transformations that you need to finish or fix, we've added two columns in the list of transformations:
Validation shows whether the transformation has passed validation, failed validation, or hasn't been validated at all yet.
Last run shows whether the transformation has been run yet, and if so, whether the run succeeded or failed. There's a link to the logs for the last run so you can check what the errors were.
For the instructions to create custom transformations, see Creating custom transformations.