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Hi Team,


I’m working on input dropdown where my timestamp should be convert into daily,weekly,monthly and if it is daily I need 8 hrs , for weekly 40 hrs and monthly 173 hrs in one single dropdown. How I can achieve it.



Ajith Naidu.

Use a custom object to create the dropdown 

    displayName: Time Dropdown
        - name: DAY
        - name: WEEK
        - name: MONTH


When selecting the data assign it to a variable, next all you need to  is put in a YAML code i,e, like 

${(VARIABLE === 'DAY' && 8 ) ||(VARIABLE ===   'WEEK' && 40)}


Depending on the use case you should be able to change the same accordingly 

Hi ​@abhishek.chatu14 ,


I am trying to build it in new studio views not in legacy views. How I can implement it using input dropdown.



Ajith Naidu.

Similar approach you can use the Input dropdowns with manual input and assign the data to a variable, now use this vairable to do the calulations

Configuring user inputs (input box, input dropdown, button)
