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Is there any way to somehow connect one filter with one specific process explorer instead of filtering both simultaneously?

Was trying with the YAML editor, but with no success.

Hey Angelika,

Yes its very much possible to do the same with variables-

1) For dropdown, create a a custom object in Knowledge Model-

syntax -


- id: test




- id: (IDs of the KPI you want to add in dropdown)

- id:

2) Create a filter while referencing the variable

FILTER KPI=${test}

3) Then create a view, add one of the process explorer in it and then add a dropdown selecting the custom object made earlier.

4) Finally make a variable in the view with the same Id as that of the custom object and assign it a default value KPI Id

5) Finally import the view to your original view as an embedded view.

The dropdown now will filter only on the selected process explorer.


Let me know if further clarifications are needed.
