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I'm currently counting the amount of times a given Sales Order goes through a specific Activity in my process flow. I've managed to do this in two ways, the first one is by doing a standard PU_SUM, where the source is my activity table and the target table is the common table; the second one is by using the function CALC_REWORK on my activity table and a filter.


In a secondary step, I need to add (in a different OLAP Table) the total amount of times SO's from a given branch have gone through said Activity. What this means in simple terms is that I need to sum the column from the first OLAP table where I counted the amount of times an SO went through this Activity.

One big problem is that my data model does not have a Table at branch level, the highest level my model has is SO Header, making the grouping by branch part difficult to say the least.


Does anyone have any suggestions?




Number of times an SO has gone through a specific activityDesired Output

is the 'Branch' field in the SO table?

Can you not just filter for one column: "_CEL_P2P_ACTIVITIES"."ACTIVITY_EN"

for the second column: COUNT_TABLE("_CEL_P2P_ACTIVITIES")


And set the component filter to the interested activity. Or you can make a dropdown-filter where you can choose which activity you want to investigate.
