Hi together,
I'm working with legacy views and can't manage to pass the value of an augmented attribute of type date to a variable to use it as parameter for KPIs.
The record containing the augmented attribute
 - id: CM_MONTHS
    id: id
    displayName: Id
    pql: '"CM_MONTHS"."MONTH"'
   attributes: <]
   newAttributes: <]
   - id: late_creation_deadline_date
     displayName: "Late Creation: deadline date"
     possibleValues: e]
     columnType: DATE
     format: "%Y-%m-%d"
     housekeeping: false
   flags: g]
   priorities: Â]
   triggers: T]
   businessRules: []
   type: RECORD
   origin: PACKAGE
The component to update the augmented attribute
  type: table
    - id: 3486adcd-a996-49a5-97e0-af17da07e9af
     field: CM_MONTHS.MONTH
     order: 100
    - id: 10c08937-649f-48a0-88fe-929d3107e824
     field: CM_MONTHS.AUGMENTED_late_creation_deadline_date
     order: 200
       updateAugmentedAttribute: true
        - name: deadlineDate
   breakdownSelector: {}
By clicking a value in the table, this value is supposed to be written into this view variable (I already tried with and without type):
  name: deadlineDate
  type: date
When for test purposes trying to output the variable via a text component, this is the result: wobject Object]. This is the component:
  type: text-box
   title: local
  content: ${deadlineDate}
When trying to pass the variable to a KPI component, that for test purposes is just made to return the variable's value, NULL is the result. This is the KPI:
 - id: dummy
   displayName: " Dummy"
   customAttributes: {}
   pql: "{p1}"
   format: "%Y-%m-%d"
   breakdowns: a]
   aggregations: e]
   - id: p1
     displayName: p1
     defaultValue: "1"
   targets: ]
   allowTargetUpdate: true
   type: KPI
   origin: PACKAGE
   isOverridable: false
This is the view component:
  type: kpi-list
    - id: 179b9091-c3f2-4bee-bc36-1efeb503fcfc
      kpi: dummy
      show: true
      order: 100
      - id: p1
        value: ${deadlineDate}
I asume, I have to call a specific property or add some other JS code when passing/accessing the variable. Probably something like ${deadlineDate.value}, but I couldn't figure it out. Please hellp me on this.
Thank you