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I've introduced the Production Planning template of SAP, encountering a Saved Formula named Automation Rate Case.

It has description as "automation rate based on the dispute case." What does it mean in PP context?

The formula is as follows.


  • AND "_CEL_PP_ACTIVITIES"."ACTIVITY_<%=language%>" IN (<%= ActivitiesUsedInAutomationRate %>)
  • AND "_CEL_PP_ACTIVITIES"."USER_TYPE" IN (<%=AutoTypes%>))*1.0)/
Hello, the dispute case simply means the case that is being considered for automation.
The PQL you provided is a percentage. Specifically, Activities that are automated (defined by being created by an Automated User, and the activity is in the list of activities that could possibly be automated) divided by all activities.
The list of activities that could possibly be automated are located in the ActivitiesUsedInAutomationRate variable.

In the context of PP, this is simply the % of PP activities that are automated.
Do you have any additional questions?
