Hi all,
we are currently playing with Pycelonis in our CPM environment.
The main use case will be the automatic export of OLAP tables already prefiltered with PQL Filters we are using in the Python Scripts.
So far we managed to implement most of the PQL Filters we need.
Now we want to extract data of a table that contains cycle times based on activities the users are able to select themselves within the analysis. So via dropdown that is wrinting the selected activity into a variable.
With Python we now want to extract this table setting a specific activity into a variable before extracting the data, in order to get the correct cycle times.
So far I haven't found a way to update/overwrite the variables current value with the activity name we want to use.
The Pycelonis documentation is ok but in my opinion not giving so much information and examples than the basic stuff.
Thank you very much in advance.