Hi @salma.zeped, I’m also trying to hide the name highlighted in green. Did you find any fix for this?
Thank you
Hi @salma.zeped, I’m also trying to hide the name highlighted in green. Did you find any fix for this?
Thank you
Unfortunately, no reply until now. Will update the post in case I find a way to fix it.
Hello - I am going to ask the Celonis Services team if this is possible
This is my personal findings.
I could not find a good way to replace the value of KPI list component in a View, unfortunately.
However, the KPI name (green highlighted in the 1st screenshot) in KPI list component seems to be inherited from displayName key or shortDisplayName key in the KPI definition for the used Knowlege Model.
Although not a smart technique, replacing the displaynName with a space character may make it appear that the label is hidden.
Indeed in this workaround, the KPI name is not displayed in the KPI definition in the KM.

Very curious to know if anyone found a solution to this, or to do the opposite and make the yellow highlighted kpi-list name ("Italy") invisible.