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I want to know the latest activity between A and B, in a process and create a filter. which PQL function i should use.

Hi @Dipashree Dandsena,


I'm not quite sure what you mean by "latest activity between A and B", could you elaborate on that?


In any case, I think you are looking for ACTIVITY_LEAD, which shows the next activity in succession.


Let me know if this is what you are looking for.


Kind regards,

Sverre Klein

Hi Klein, I want to know the cases where, between activity A and B the last activity is A. I mention again a may not be the last activity of the process, its last between the two. Because if A is set block and B is remove block then i have cases where A-->B--->A-->B-->A might happen.

Hi @Dipashree Dandsena,


I see, I think you can use the CALC_CROP function. This operator crops cases to a range of activities. You can also specify ranges.




Hopefully this puts you in the right track 😁


Kind regards,

Sverre Klein

Hi Klein,

Thanks! i tried using that operator but not getting the required result. Any other way?




Hi @Dipashree Dandsena,


Sorry to hear it didn't work for you. Could you share a screenshot of what you are currently seeing using CALC_CROP and what your desired outcome would be?




Kind regards,

Sverre Klein
