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Captura de pantalla 2023-12-15 073822

Hello Joyce,

I had the same error once. I assume that sporadically the address field is null in the data records you're trying to send. Is this right?

If so, you need to add an error handler for the error "BundleValidationError".

Maybe this helps you out!



Julia Bauer



Can you show us the data that is provided to the recipient list? Is that list dynamic, or static (Specific addresses added manually like 'Person A, Person B')?


I had similar issues with dynamic list as Microsoft 365 Email requires specific bundle schema with named parameters. If that parameters will be empty you'll get similar error (if not the same).


If the structure is OK if there's data, I would clean empty rows before giving it away to 365 module.


Best Regards,

Mateusz Dudek
