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For some time nearly everyday I've got problems with my ML app.

When entering that app, I can see 2 errors:


1) Failed to load the jupyterlab-git server extension

<html> <head><title>502 Bad Gateway</title></head> <body> <center><h1>502 Bad Gateway</h1></center> <hr><center>nginx</center> </body> </html>


obraz2) Error Loading Theme

Stylesheet failed to load:



Do you have any ideas how it fix it? What's strangest, sometimes everything works just fine (Switching to Celonis EMS theme fixes CSS, then switch back to dark theme works sometimes, sometimes not). I know i can create new app, and transfer code there, but I would like to avoid that.


UI after switching to Celonis EMS theme and then to Dark Theme:



Best Regards,

Mateusz Dudek

Dear Mateusz,


Thank you for reaching to us.

In order to be able to assist you further, we would suggest to send an email to with detailed description.

We will gladly assist you.



Thank you in advance.

Just FYI: Real problem seems to be connection to Jupyter server, not the themes itself. If there's connection to Jupyter server (files in the file explorer are visible), then in order to restore normal theme, user just need to switch theme to any other, everything should load just fine.


Found below link, I'll try to perfom some tests and check if that works.


Also FYI: not sure if problems are not connected to necessity of cleaning conda cache because of lacking disk space (cache is growing by itself).
