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How can I make a custom dimension based on a process flow? I want to make an OLAP with a case count for both 'push' (goods are produced before order) and 'pull' (starts with act receive order) cases? so based on those flows i want to create a dimension

Hmmmm... do you mean something like a column with values like "From Activity A to Activity B", "From Activity A to Activity C", etc.... and then have kpi's grouped by that dimension?


I recently did something similar, I just used 2 dimensions: one the Activity, the second the next activity (using Activity_Lead) and then KPI's like case count, cases that didn't fulfill a condition, etc...

Hi, so basically the company I examine for school has two strategies. A push strategy and a pull strategy (these are defined via a certain process flow, i send of the two in a picture). I want to filter some KPI's based on this dimension (push vs pull), but i'm not able to do this. I have been able to make some ratios, but i want to define them as a dimension in an OLAP, so i can click on them and filter all my other KPIs based on that filtering. Schermafbeelding 2022-12-16 om 18.57.49
