I have built an Action Flow that retrieves some data with many query data modules (around 10mb in total), creates some csv files and sends them via email as attachments.
The problem is that every time that I run it, it run to the last query data module and then it starts raising the following warning:
Invoking garbage collector because of high memory usage used=848035840,max=950000000,timeout=25000]
(with different numbers as used.
The thing is that we are talking about like 10mb of data, so I don't understand what is going wrong.
Also, if I remove the last modules (last query data and last create csv modules), the warning is still present in what previously was the second-last module (that now is the last).
In my last try, this led to a Limit Exceeded in the studio, that I think is not true, since we usually are way more below the limit in terms of amount of data stored.
What am I doing wrong here?