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Dear Celomates,

I encountered a problem during file upload. The case table (xslx) is attached as well as screenshots. Screenshots include data type choices in order to trouble shoot possible causes of failure.
Many thanks.

What errors you get?

Hello @omar.elmou , I think you need you sanitize your file first because the error due to illegal character. Perhaps instead of xslx, try other format which make such char. visible.

What Teuku says.


Also, I would check floats. You say to use "," as decimal separator, but your floats are with "." as separator

(well, I think, my sight is not what it used to be, even with glasses... 🙂 )

What Teuku says.


Also, I would check floats. You say to use "," as decimal separator, but your floats are with "." as separator

(well, I think, my sight is not what it used to be, even with glasses... 🙂 )

You are right @Guillermo Gost  problem solved. Many thanks!

Hello @omar.elmou , I think you need you sanitize your file first because the error due to illegal character. Perhaps instead of xslx, try other format which make such char. visible.

Great @Teuku Faruq Faruq i eventually converted the xslx into a CSV file without changing anything. Now the file uploaded succeeded. Dont ask me why :-)

Thanks a lot !
