I’m trying to create a link in the editor that directs to a specific scenario. The only method I know is to copy the link to the scenario, but when clicked in Navigator, it opens in a new tab.
Is there a way to create this link so it stays within the same screen?
Edit the link in Editor
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Hello Mark, You could proceed as following:
Click in the left panel on the option “Link”. A new Link item will be placed on your graphic
Mouse click right on the link item
Select the option “Edit reference” -> the process hierarchy will open, where you can navigate and select the desired category/main process/sub process/ scenario
Recommendation: for the visualization in the Process Navigator the reference should be on a released process/scenario.
After the reference is set, the link will have the name of the process/scenario with a hyperlink. The Link box can be now formatted via the detail content.
I hope this helps.
Thank you for your help. I have followed this but it has not worked. Still opens up in a new screen.
I’ll raise a ticket to get Celonis help to make sure we dont have a bug.