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Hi Community,
is there a way to build a dynamic column chart with 1 dimension but several, variable KPIs?
The problem is, once I include all possible KPIs the bars wont be displayed anymore. In most cases only a certain number of those KPIs is necessary.
For example:
CASE A: Dimension (matnr.1): KPI1 (2), KPI2 (0 or -), KPI3 (4)
CASE B: Dimension (matnr.2): KPI1 (0 or -), KPI2 (1), KPI3 (0 or -)
In Case A only the KPIs 1 and 3 should be displayed in the column chart.
In Case B same for KPI 2.
Is it possible to change the visibility of KPIs on the basis of the CASE (A or 😎?
Maybe by using a parameter?
Thanks for your help!

Hi Alexander,

you can achieve it by using CASE WHEN and a set of variables that pick KPI 1,KPI2,KPI3, but this is probably going to confuse the end-user, as the person would be looking at a column that means different KPI, even though they are part of the same chart.


My recommendation is to create separate components or make an OLAP table linked with a button dropdown to select the KPI



