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I tried to build an OLAP table with les champs suivants :
OverDelivery: EKPO.UNTTO
UnderDelivery: EKPO.UEBTO
I would like to create an column with
CHANGED_FROM * OverDelivery
But I received an error message. How could I do this multiplication between those tables ?
image71463 2.27 KB
image790124 6.4 KB
Thanks in advance.
Hi Audrey,
thank you for your question!
The error message appears as you are multiplying a string input with a float which is not possible.
In the standard P2P datamodel you should have the column CHANGED_FROM also in float format. This Column is called:


If you dont have this column you need to set it up by casting the respective input column as a float int the Event Collection.
Hope this helps!
Best regards,
Celonis Data Science Team
