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How to add additional data in existing webhook ?

Can you give me more information on this issue 🙂?


As @florian.schul11  said, if you want to help - you need to provide more info on what’s you’ve got in your current setup (if you’ve got any) and what do you want to accomplish, as current question can be interpreted in various ways (adding json structure to webhook request? Adding parameter? Is possibile to not change current data structure but to add the data? Can you change data structure but leave webhook module? etc.), which probably will lead to wasting everybody’s time.

Potential solutions:
1) Redetermine data structure - Usually you can add data by using option redetermine data structure and adding parameter, but that will change the URL you need to hit with your request. 

2) Add HTTP request headers - Other option is to activate option “Get request headers” in webhook module, and then put additional data into request header. That way you don’t have to alter URL/parameters/data structure. It’s less adviced however, because you need to double check good request header name, in order to avoid using one that is broadly used for different purposes (f.e. 301 response uses header “location” to known where to redirect request).

Headers are visible after you’ll send new request with new header. Mark this post as answer if helped.


Best Regards,
Mateusz Dudek
