We have a ServiceNow analysis and the business would like to know how long tickets are spending in a series of states. We are trying to analyse if we are putting calls on hold for too long.
We are looking to do two things.
- For any set of tickets give me the total time this ticket has spent in a particular activity. So the event time of this activity until the next activity. The ticket may be in this state more than once through it's process journey. There are more than one of these states.
- Report on any tickets that have exceeded a specific threshold of time in one of these states.
So the flow might go
Ticket Created - Time 1
Ticket On Hold - Time 2
Ticket Active - Time 3
Ticket On Hold - Time 4
Ticket Active - Time 5
Ticket Resolved - Time 6
I'm looking for the total time between Time 2 & Time 3 added to the time between Time 4 and Time 5.
I cannot see a way to do this.
Any ideas greatly appreciated.