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How can i apply component filter on table dimension in view, when dimension is changes using dropdown, and dimension data come from multiple table. like few dimension are coming from casetable, some from activitytable and some of them from other table

I guess if dimension is coming from different tables then it would be created from a custom attribute but for a filter you can create the filter based on a variable where variable stores the selected dimension.

you can provide the variable in YAML edit of the component.


I guess if dimension is coming from different tables then it would be created from a custom attribute but for a filter you can create the filter based on a variable where variable stores the selected dimension.

you can provide the variable in YAML edit of the component.


I tried, but i can apply component filter when data coming from single table,

i need logic when data come in dimension of table from multiple table

create a custom attribute where data is coming from different tables.

and in the YAML component filter of dropdown add a logic like below

-attribute : ${dimen == 'LIFNR'? "LFA1":'EKPO'}.${dimen}


this is a if condition when when there is lifnr it takes from LFA1 else EKPO
