Hello everyone,
are there any advanced use cases (Material management, P2P-Cockpit, whatever, ...) where one can simply see advanced PQL-functions in action? (For free)
I am struggling with advanced PQL-Functions (Nested PU-and BIND-Functions, Domain_Tables, ...) and the learning curve is quite harsh without any actual real world help and examples.
Especially Material Flow Management. Like e.g. Analysises about current stock, stock evaluation (future arriving orders vs future used material), stock over time (Stock + Arrived orders - Reserved material for production) etc.
The idea behind such things is in my head. But the actual functions to combine the data accross multiple tables is still really advanced.
I´d love to see some examples somewhere. I dont know if Celonis provides something like that? I feel like a lot of stuff is kind of behind paywalls (Consulting firms).