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I was thinking on using something like Name Mappings, but you can't.

The idea was to have something in your _CEL_ACTIVITIES like

ACTIVITY = '1.1'

ACTIVITY_EN = "Receive Order"

ACTIVITY_ES = "Recepción de Pedido"


and then use only ACTIVITY for all the PQL codes I could need


But the user will see the activities names in their selected language

Hi Guillermo! 


I apologized for the late response. It came to my attention I posted my answer via our email and not the forum.


From the understanding of your question, you could do do that in your analysis by creating a text variable and setting a variable as in the image:


DS Capture2As such, you can then create a custom button dropdown in 'Design Components'' like in the image shown. Here you can name it Receive order in english in one drop down and spanish in another and it'll change it in that analysis. You should not be name mapping in the process of ingesting data.

I hope that answers your question! If not, feel free to reply so I can better understand you question.




