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Hi everyone,
with an increasing number of datamodels there might be an increasing connection between the data models for certain aspects. With the functionality of a button, you are currently able to jump between certain analyses even between different projects/data models. Still many data models use same base tables, like customer/material/ or other information.
In many cases a complete end-to-end process cannot be covered within a single data model in a reasonable size/complexity of the data model. Thats why most of the times Order/Development/Planning/Production/Accounting/ are covered within seperate data models, even though there are information that are used in all of those data models.
Would it be possible to enhance the functionality of jumping between analyses with matching certain attributes between the data models (easiest way would be if the same tables/attributes are available) to keep the filters without manually re-selecting them in every analysis you jump into?
That would allow to jump between the analyses/datamodels via a landing page and dive deeper into connections between the different sub-processes.
At a first step a jump within the same data model shouldnt be a technical issue, as the attributes are 100% available in the analysis you are jumping into. This would already allow to divide analyses with a high number of sheets into multiple, to have a better clustering via topics and improve the overview/user experience.
Whats your opinion on that?
Best regards,
Hi David,
we absolutely agree that such a capability makes sense. Thats why we are currently working on capabilities to get an End-to-End Process view.
In your case, we would like to understand your use case better. Would you be available for a personal call to better understand the specifics of your process layout?
Best regards,
