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Hi Celopeers,


I need to have a ratio of corrected documents to all documents issued in a given period. I don't want the total number of docs to change.

Currently I am doing it in several steps: I select issue date range to get the number of documents, I insert this result into an input box (variable) and then I select correction date range. As you imagine the number of issued documents changes due to selection but thanks to the input box I can still refer to the original value stored in the variable in my ratio calculation. I am wondering if there is another possibility. Could I somehow write the result of issue date selection into a variable to replace my input box? The crucial thing it to keep the original number, so it is not affected by all other filters and selections made. I would be grateful for any tips.

Hello Aldona,


You can create a Static Value Variable to do just that. The way to it is as follows:

  1. Go to the slide drawer navigation icon on the top left of your analysis page and select Variables.image
  2. Click on Create variable.
  3. Create a variable name. For example, Issued_Docs.
  4. From the variable type drop-down, select "Static value".
  5. On the formula editor enter the formula for counting all issued documents and click Save. For example: Count("Table"."CaseKey")
  6. Create your ratio by using the following syntax:



<%= Issued_Docs %>

When selecting the date range using a date picker, the filter will not be applied on the variable.


More information on this type of variables here: Static Variables


Please let me know if your issue has been resolved.

Hello @paulina.vázqu,


Thank you for help. I've solved my issue other way however I will remember about Static Variables in future projects.


Best regards,

