HI, I want to calculate average cost for manual tasks using zwo variables, one for average time needed for a manual task (AVG_TIME_PER_MAN_TASK) and one for average cost for manual task per Minute (AVG_COST_PER_MAN_MIN). In the activities table we added a flag "automated" 1/0, if the task ist automated (1) oder manual (0). Now I want to count all the manual task (= e.g. 500'000) and calculate them with the variables ( * AVG_COST_PER_MAN_MIN * AVG_TIME_PER_MAN_TASK.
I've made a filter with all manual tasks
Then I tried to calculate the whole effort in Minutes with this PQL but it didn't work.
The Variable was defined as Textfield with Value and the component is a number field
COUNT("_cel_eclaim_activities"."_activity_long") * TO_FLOAT(<%= LABR_DURATION_PER_MANUAL_TASK %>)