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Hi Everyone,


I'm trying to create a table using ML workbench by using this code


pool = celonis.data_integration.get_data_pool(id_ = pool_id)


pool.create_table( df = input_table,

         table_name = table_name,

         drop_if_exists = True,

         force = True,


While running this i'm getting PycelonisNotFoundError for my instance.


Here is the attached screenshot for reference.



From your question, it is not clear if you have pycelonis installed.

Its possible some instances do not have pycelonis installed. Install it with the following line.


!pip install pycelonis

import pycelonis


celonis = pycelonis.get_celonis()


and then continue with your snippet.



Hi @noel.vasan ,

I have already installed pycelonis in it , it is in use and version is up-to-date.

Can you get the version of pycelonis installed.


import pycelonis



Your script will only work for v2.x, it is not compatible with v1.x

Hi kandi Naidu,

The above error that you have mentioned can occur mainly of two reasons(from my experience):

1)package version:

Please check if you are using the correct version of pycelonis using !pip show pycelonis and if your pycelonis version is above 2 then that is not the reason of your error.


2)Using the wrong dp id , cross check if your using the correct dp id, for checking the dps that your MLWB as access to you can use the below code :


from pycelonis import get_celonis

celonis = get_celonis(permissions = False)


for dp in celonis.data_integration.get_data_pools():



After that copy the dp id you need and use it in your code.

Check that the ML Application has permissions to view the data pool you are pointing at.
