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Hi all experts,


Let me ask a question: where can I find license grade whether that is C4C or C4C+E for example?

In my case, I just would like to invite my client but I didn't know which license I'm using until I ask to my manager. I checked license tab in admin setting but cant find it.


Thanks and regards,

Consulting Hub



all projects

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Consulting Hub



all projects

Column Type




Thanks for your answer but I cannot see the license grade might be because I don't have proper rights of it.

Anyway, I understand I can't see it from the celonis workspace, isn't it?


Thanks again:)

Thanks for your answer but I cannot see the license grade might be because I don't have proper rights of it.

Anyway, I understand I can't see it from the celonis workspace, isn't it?


Thanks again:)

Click in "All projects" in case the C4C was created by some team mate.

In the Type you will see the kind of environment. Also you can use the dropdown to filter per type


In the celonis workspace, in Admin, Licenses, you don't see the type of C4C (at least not in my environments). You will see the APC, processes, and users.


