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I need to import data and create data model from the demo data that was extracted from the eventlog file as shown in one of Celoinis training video. Where i can get that eventlog file?

I'm unable to connect any live system to get data feed so trying to use demo data instead but unable to find any event log data to import to create data model.

The one training guide uses 'p2p_Demo_Eventlog.xlsx' file to upload data. I'm unable to locate this file. Can someone have this file or any other event log file that i can use to import data in my environment.


Hi @obaid.ullah11,


You can find some (artificial) event logs on this website, which is a collaboration of 4 Dutch Universities. The format is mostly .xes, which is a format that should work for Celonis.

4TU.ResearchData - Search


Kind regards,


