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Hi everyone,


I am trying to set a Display Rule for a KPI List in a View in Studio.

I want to use the Display Rule to set the background color of the KPI based not on a fixed value, but rather on a dinamic input coming from a table in the data model.


I wanted to configure this input using PQL just as it is done with variables in a regular analysis, but I have not found such an option in Views or Knowledge Models.


I would want to know if it is possible to work in an analog way to an analysis in studio, defining a variable with input written in PQL, and then using such variable as a parameter in the Display Rule YAML code.


is that possible?


Thank you!!!

Best regards


The way you achieve this is by creating a Custom Object in the KM and assigning it to the KPI


Kindly find the following example for Custom Object

imageTo make it Dynamic you need to use a Runtime variable instead of value that you update, please note every time you change the runtime variable the page needs to be refreshed and runtime variable are represented between ${{}}




Hope this helps!

Hi Abhishek,


thank you for your answer.

I see the way you link the variable to the custom object and then the KPI itself.

It is yet not so clear for me how I can set the input for the variable with PQL and not just plain text.

I have seen for both Views Variables and Runtime Variables, that just plain text can be typed in as input, and I would need it to be a PQL statement.
