Hi, all.
I need to know how works the pql.PQLColumn() function of Python for Celonis.
Does anybody knows where is the technical documentation?
I've tried https://celonis.github.io/pycelonis/1.7.6/ , and docs.celonis.com but is not enough.
In this case I need to know how to use the format argument.
I've found only this short info when hovering over the function in the VS Code editor
(class) PQLColumn(query: str = None, name: str = "Unnamed column", format: str = None, sorting_index: str | int = None, sorting_direction: str = None, not_included: bool = False)
A PQL Column dictionary that can be added to a PQL query statement. Behaves like dict. Corresponds to Dimension and KPI in Celonis.
query: The PQL query of the column (KPI or Dimension).
name: The name of te column.
format: The formatting of the column.
sorting_index: The sorting index of the column in a table (starts at 0).
sorting_direction: The sorting direction. One of TASC, DESC].