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Is it possible to read the data of a table that we have extracted from a source system using celonis as a CSV file in the Machine Learning workbench using python.



It is, you can get data from DM/DP transform it into python data frame and than export as CSV file.


Code Snippet:

from pycelonis import get_celonis

celonis = get_celonis(permissions=False)


data_pool = celonis.data_integration.get_data_pools().find("X")

data_model = data_pool.get_data_models().find("X")

table = tables.find("X")



Rembember about permissions for workbench application being able to reach Data pool and data model, I'll late check if it fully works on Pycelonis 2.0.1 +


Best Regards,

Mateusz Dudek

Hi Mateusz,


Is this code snippet applicable for pycelonis version 1.7.2?
