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In PQL, how do you concatenate a single quotation in a string? I am trying to generate a column of SQL input, e.g., value=to_date('date_value' , 'MM/DD/YYYY'). I need to concat a single quote on the front/back of the date_value.


Unsure if I understood your problem correctly. But I am pretty sure that your solution will include the concat transformation.


it might be CONCAT( to_date('date_value' , 'MM/DD/YYYY'),'...') what might make it tricky is that ' character is already reservered for indicating string values in PQL. Maybe there is an escape character to make it happen.


Unsure if I understood your problem correctly. But I am pretty sure that your solution will include the concat transformation.


it might be CONCAT( to_date('date_value' , 'MM/DD/YYYY'),'...') what might make it tricky is that ' character is already reservered for indicating string values in PQL. Maybe there is an escape character to make it happen.

To clarify, what is the escape character that enables concatenating a single quotation in a string, e.g., CONCAT ''' does not work.

I ended up figuring it out. The escape key is \\', e.g., '\\''
