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How can we arrange filter value in order in Button Dropdown using load entries? Options under button dropdown should be of order.

- Committed Case

- Violated Case

- Others


But the 'Others' option is listed 2nd as per alphabetical order.




PU_COUNT ("A", "B"."caseid" ) > 0

THEN 'Committed Case'


PU_COUNT ("A", "C"."_CASE_KEY", "C"."CHANGED_TO" IN ('In Progress') AND "C"."CHANGED_FROM" NOT IN ('New')) > 0

THEN 'Violated Case'





Other than rephrasing the options and numbering the options, is there any default logic to order the options as we like.

Hey Anusuya,


Currently there is no option to order dropdown items. Dropdown items is sorted by alphabetical order for string type columns.


One option would be to use a Button Dropdown (see image), where you set a variable to the filter condition you would like and then place either a sheet or analysis filter based on what it is you want to achieve. The downside of the Button Dropdown option is that you are not able to search for values, so for large amount op options it becomes less usefull and that the selected filter will not appear in your filter bar on the top of your analysis sheet.

Example of ordering in Button Dropdown 

Hope that helps,

