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For example:







Then: STRING_AGG("column_a", ',') => "one,two,three"


STRING_AGG is not available as an error message tells me. How can I perform this action then?


(I am working on a Transformation in a Data Job.)

(CONCAT() concatenates across columns, but I want to concatenate across rows.)

Hi @1460047096,


Maybe this thread will solve your problem. Unfortunately it is a work-around which isn't perfect. Hope it helps!



Kind regards,


Hi @janpeter.van.d ,


Thanks for your reply!


One question about the approach that you suggest in the other thread:

Is it correct that I would need to pre-define the number of rows that can be concatenated, by the number of joins I implement? If so, I cannot use the approach, because I don't know the number of rows to be concatenated in advance, unfortunately.


Best wishes,




That's exactly the limitation of this approach. If that doesn't work for you, I'm out of options unfortunately.


Kind regards,


Not for this use-case unfortunately. Nevertheless, thanks a lot for your elaborate approach!
