I use PyCelonis to get Data as follows:
analysis = celonis_manual.analyses.find()
sheet = analysis.draft.sheets.find()
component = sheet.components.find()
df = component.get_data_frame()
But sometimes get_data_frame() doesn't work and i get the following Error:
Exception: Export failed. Status: {'id': 'aab0d447-a0d5-419d-b25d-36ee3d504b71', 'exportStatus': 'FAILED', 'created': 1702286071091, 'message': 'Encountered " "(" "( "" at line 1, column 10.\\nWas expecting one of:\\n ")" ...\\n "||" ...\\n ', 'exportType': 'PARQUET'}
I dont understand why as the Tables do not seem different from the ones where it works.
Im working in pycelonis 1.4.1.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you