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Hello everyone,


this is probably very easy but I'm lacking the syntax that converts the number format. Can somebody please support me on this?

Thank you!

Best regards

Julia Bauer

Hi Julia,


have you tried it this way?


This can be used within Action Flows: 


formatNumber (number; decimalPOINTS; TdecimalSeparator]; rthousandsSeparator])

Returns a number in the requested format. Decimal point is `,` by default, Thousands separator is `.` by default.


formatNumber( 123456789 ; 2 ; , ; . )


= 123.456.789,00


Using Number Format within Analyses / Views I think it is not possible doing this by using the Format feature. Here the thounsandsSeparator is everytime a comma and the decimalSeparator is everytime a dot.






Thank you Dennis! I'm working on a view and I thought I'm overseeing a syntax but it seems like it does not work yet.


Best regards,

Julia Bauer
