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My Activity Table contains 43k distinct activities, I see that the PE (or VE) can only handle 32k.

I'd like to set a filter on another column in the same table, that should contain only 140 activities. The fact is that nothing change in the PE (or VE).


I've tried with filter component, sheet component, attribute filter, analysis filter and so on, the filters work just fine with the whole analysis, but in the PE and VE I'm keeping displaying the error of the 43k activities out of 32k.


Is it possible to solve this issue?



Hey Federico,


I'm assuming that the 140 activities are still part of the same activity column that contains 43k activities?


I would recommend placing a filter during data integration before loading the data into a process model. Separating your analysis on different variables instead of putting in all information in an Analysis. Is that something that could help?

Hi Maurits,


Thank you for your answer, but I didn't totally understand.

Yes the 140 activities are (a small) part of the 43k, same column.


If I put a filter in the activity table I would lost the other 42.860 activities, right? The fact is that for now I need all of them.


In my case, each activity belongs to a Cluster, so there're like 10 clusters, cluster A contains 140 activities. What I need is like a button that allows me to filter on that cluster and display only cases and activities belonging to that.


With cases, tables, KPIs, charts etc it's really easy, but I don't understand why if try to do the same with a PE or VE it just doesn't work, it still shows the error on the 43k activities, even if the number of cases is filtered to only one that goes through 3 activities...

I'm assuming the PE Engine is not able to cope with more than 32k activities. Since you are still facing issues after applying the filter, it's safe to assume Celonis applies the filter after trying to establish the PE engine. Thus the only solution (Workaround) would be to split your dataset to have less than 32k activities or to merge certain activities together so they are more generic.


To be able to get more than 32k activities in PE you should post a product feature request in the support section.
