Extend Celonis event types with attributes and relationships for object-centric process mining (2024-08-20)
You can now add custom attributes to event types from the Celonis catalog, and create custom event to object relationships using them. The event to object relationships can be to custom object types or to object types from the Celonis catalog. So you can now leverage both the ready-made object types and event types to create customized processes.
If you've already created custom event types to replace Celonis event types, consider customizing the equivalent Celonis event types instead. Using the Celonis object types and event types means you don’t need to reproduce attributes, relationships, and transformations that we already created. It also means you'll stay up to date with the requirements for the Celonis apps and features that are built to use our standard objects and events. You can customize app views and logic to incorporate your custom attributes and relationships. Or if you don't need them for an app, they won't cause a problem, the app will just ignore them.
For the instructions to extend Celonis object types and event types, see Extending Celonis object types and event types.