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Hi all,


I would like to know how we have ex/inport my template dashboard and knowledge model to other environment. Please let me how to do it or reason we can't if it is not able to do.

I checked my environment options and find something export option but not found import.


Thanks and regards,

Hi Jumbo,


This question was handled in the following thread

Hi Jumbo,


what do you mean with other environment?

If you want to copy / push your analyses or data models or data pools from one EMS team into another EMS team you can use the "Copy to" feature. It will list you all EMS teams you have a user available and allows you (if you have the necessary permissions) to push your content into another team.

But this is only possible if both EMS teams are on the same cluster (e.g eu-1)


If you want to push content to another EMS team that is running on a different cluster you must use content-cli functionality:




source_team_url = <<source EMS team url>>

source_api_key = <<sourceEMS API key>>


destination_team_url = <<destination EMS team url>>

destination_api_key = <<destination EMS API key>>


import os

os.environn'TEAM_URL'] = source_team_url

os.environn'API_TOKEN'] = source_api_key

os.environn'TEAM_URL'] = destination_team_url

os.environn'API_TOKEN'] = destination_api_key


#Your used Space, Package and analysis

s = celonis.spaces.find(<<your_space>>)

p = s.packages.find(<<your_package>>)

a = p.analyses.find(<<your_analysis>>)



#Our used Space and Package

s = celonis.spaces.find("Default")

p = s.packages.find("Deloitte_analyses")



#Download to cloud directory

!content-cli pull asset --profile source_team_url source_api_key --key <<source_package>>.<<source_analysis>>


#Upload into other team

!content-cli push asset --profile destination_team_url destination_api_key -f asset_<<source_analysis_name>>.yml --package <<destination_package>>

Hi Jumbo,


You can do this using the content-cli here you can check how to use it:
