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Hi expert,


I have a question about delta load. I know if I use data connection, for example SAP to Celonis, then we can use delta load option.

However, in manual data connection pattern, download data from one to upload to celonis, do we have any option to delta data load? If yes, could you guys let me know where I can find technical document of that?




Hello, the 'Extract Data' course on Celonis Academy has a section 'Delta Extractions' that may be useful. I'm not sure if the sample data in this scenario was via data a connector or manual upload, so it may not apply to your situation. Hope this helps all the same.




Hi @jumbo.szk,


While I'm not 100% sure, I do not expect this to be the case. Namely, in the data connection Celonis understands that the uploaded table is a newer version of an existing table, and then checks for new entries. Using the Manual Upload, there is no such option to link a new table to an existing one and therefore Celonis does not load only the differences.

Using the Celonis Push API, you are able to do so using the 'Upsert' command, but this is a bit harder to set up.


Kind regards,

